Visit to Volta Elementary

Visit to Volta Elementary

Do you remember the first time you heard the cliché “the children are our future?” I was in the 5th grade, and I honestly didn’t get it. The future is some period of time in front of us, containing events that have yet to happen. It’s not a group of people. Moreover, it’s for...... Read more

Trying to Save Samuel.

One of the more complicated dreams I had of Samuel started out with me zooming around various planets and galaxies. I would watch the formation of a star, fly through the rings of Saturn, and then sit on the precipice of a black hole, watching it devour everything around it. Eventually, I...... Read more

One Year Publishing Anniversary

“Do you know what your problem is, Paul?” A family member that I deeply love and respect rhetorically asked me. “You’re too honest.” Contrary to my family member’s assessment, I have not been completely forthright about why I self-published The Gift of Samuel: Grey Dawn. Given that it’s the...... Read more

Thinking Outside The Box

My next dream of Samuel is a bit harder to explain. Essentially, I would live through a scenario, then, when it was over, Samuel and I would sit together and discuss the scenario before I was reinserted into that same scenario, and this would be repeated. I was in this scenario, myself, each...... Read more

The Glowing Man

The Glowing Man

I was starving and weak. As I walked down this road with one man on my left, another on my right, I was surrounded by pain and suffering. The faces were dirty and scared. All eyes were on me. These two men were taking me somewhere, but I had no idea where. I wanted to... Read more